Date Tue, Mar 09, 2021


Dear mother, you must accustom your children from a young age to certain sequential steps for studying, whether the study is in-person or remotely, so that the children get used to a certain guidance method from a young age, which will make many things easier for you in successfully passing the exam periods.

In this small guide, we answer some questions that may confuse you and provide you with solutions directly, which enables you to apply the advice contained in it at all different educational stages. We will not specify a specific stage, and we also took into account the differences that occurred in the study due to the Corona pandemic.

What are exams or tests?

Exams or tests are the final assessment that students are exposed to in order to measure the students’ abilities or skills in mastering the study materials by answering the questions that make up the test. Electronic tests have currently spread due to the Corona virus pandemic ( Covid 19 - Covid 19 ) in addition to distance learning or electronic study at home.

There is no doubt that the examination period is one of the most important periods in every family or home. It may be a source of anxiety or tension for the family or students. This is due to many reasons. Some students may be negligent in preparing for the examinations early, which affects their performance in obtaining high grades or passing the examinations. Some students may have a problem in designing an organizational schedule that helps them study properly. Some students may face some problems of fear and tension due to the examinations, which affects their performance, even though they have actually studied.

In order to avoid, dear mother, exposing your children to all these problems during their various educational stages, accustom your children from a young age to applying certain steps in studying so that your children have a method that provides them with a systematic guide in studying without feeling that they are applying it.

We will start together by presenting some of the magic keys to answer questions that cause you some confusion.

The first question

How do I make my son love studying ? How do I make my son love school? 

1- Reward

Encourage your children to study and go to school through incentive offers or rewarding them with something they like if they commit to completing their homework on time. The reward could be a specific toy they want to buy - candy - a place they want to go to - a cartoon they want to watch...etc.

2- Use various methods in the study

With the technological progress witnessed in the current era, many diverse ways of learning have emerged, so make sure that education includes a time of fun that the children will always remember, such as using models, pictures, etc.

The second question

How to properly study for children? How to deal with a son who refuses to study?

Dear mother, we present to you the answer to this question in the second key, which is:

You must understand that the study process goes through a series of interconnected stages, which are:

The first stage: preparing to study

Dear mother, you must realize that studying for children at home is a complementary process to the teacher’s explanation in class or on the website. Therefore, you must help your children review the lessons in a correct and sound manner by first starting with the stage of preparing the children to get ready for studying, and this is done by: 

1- Prepare a quiet, tidy, well-ventilated place with sunlight.

2- Prepare a schedule through which you can organize things for studying without overdoing it by specifying many tasks to implement.

3- Offer fresh juices that help your children to stay refreshed and focused.

The second stage: planning a schedule for studying and completing tasks

A study schedule is one of the important things for completing tasks . Some students actually make a study schedule, but they may stick to it for some time and not carry out the other tasks specified in it. In order to avoid repeating such a problem, the following advice can be followed:

1- Do not over-specify daily tasks in the exam schedule.

2- Dividing the lesson into units or parts makes it easier for the student to study and review it.

3- Determine the tasks in order from easiest to most difficult.

4- Setting priorities: Starting with the lessons that require focus, such as mathematics, then science, etc.

5- Put the lessons that need to be memorized at the end of the table so that your children can do them on their own.

6- Motivating and rewarding children when they implement the tasks they have specified in the study schedule.

7- Give your child time to play and have fun.

The third stage: the final step of the study goal

This step is to review the lessons before going to sleep, as it contributes greatly to consolidating the information. Therefore, it is preferable for children to get used to this good habit of reading the summary notes about the lesson, such as the lesson questions at the end of each unit and answering them, as they are characterized by their comprehensiveness of all points of the lesson.

Finally, the third question

How to prepare for final exams?

Dear mother, the period of preparing children for exams is a very important period in any family or home. In order for this period not to be difficult for the family and children, you must understand the following:

First: Psychological preparation for tests or exams

Children need to be psychologically prepared for tests or exams in a positive, specific way, supported by the family. We do not recommend repeating phrases such as “If you don’t get the final grades, it will be like this and that.” Rather , the family should support the children in a motivating way and make them feel confident and strong to perform the exams with all activity and vitality. This is done through the third key, which is the family providing support to the children in:

1- Self-confidence: Success is made by the individual himself and he discovers his abilities and energies by himself. You only have to try and train many times until you master things, as success comes from training and practice.

2- Strengthening the will: the desire to achieve success. Will is the ability and action to turn wishes into reality.

3- Optimism : Always be optimistic and expect success (Be optimistic and you will find it)

Second: Mental preparation for review and preparation for exams

This stage, dear mother, is the fruit of your hard work and effort in planting a systematic method for your children from the early stages of education. This is the systematic guide that your children get used to in their studies. They apply it directly without feeling any restrictions in that. It is represented in:

1- Use the study summaries prepared during the study phase to activate memory and review lessons.

2- Avoid all things that contribute to distraction and lack of concentration.

3- Study in interconnected steps to consolidate information.

4- Active participation is the secret to great information recall.

5- Avoid learning anything new.

6- Planning review time

7- Solve a full exam after finishing the review.

8- Don't forget to read the quick notes before going to bed.

Third: Physical preparation for exams or tests

Here you have reached the final stage, hero, after this long journey of studying, reviewing, family support, and mother support, to the stage of taking the test only. All you have to do at this stage to pass through the gate of success and excellence is:

1- Make sure to eat healthy and do light exercise.

2- Get enough sleep

3- Prepare yourself for the test, prepare tools and clothes the night before the test.

4- Avoid talking to colleagues before entering the exam.

5- Check your answer completely.

Dear mother, we hope that we have provided you with some useful advice in answering some of the questions that are constantly on your mind.

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